there's a fishing boat dancing on its tether, just outside my borrowed window. sometimes seagulls fly by and i wish i could paint as fast as a camera. obscura. i'm starting 2008 with a month of painting. i really don't do much else-- i can barely bring myself to wash dishes. the laundry i put in yesterday still isn't hung up. i have good intentions every morning to get chores done, but the paint is sticky and holds me well. i've stepped on my pallet too many times and have ran out of clean socks.
(this is a picture of some projects and the space i'm using this month)
i have been overwhelmed by friends and strangers support. right now i am living off painting money. i am also hoping that my art will fund most of my 2008 adventures. in february i plan on flying to nicaragua for an internship at a developement farm called Project Bona Fide. the events of 2008 have been serendipitous--i am and will be doing things that i love--arting and farming. how exciting!
thanks for keeping your eye on this page. i will be adding new paintings within the next month.if anyone has any commission ideas, this is the time to ask. a couple of artist friends and i will be having two art shows before the end of February--one in st. stephen NB, and one in Halifax. stay tuned....